What is State in NLP

What is State in NLP

State: State is the sum total of the processes going on in your mind and body at any given time.
Resourceful states:
The states that help us utilize our resources; like happiness, confidence, motivation, wellness, joy, concentration, delightful etc
Un-resourceful states:
The states that prevents us from utilizing our resources. These states are known as 'stuck states', 'unresolved issues' or 'unfinished agendas' of the mind.
Behavior is the response that we make in any state.
All our behaviors (Verbal or non-verbal) are defined by our states.
Verbal behaviors:
Where we use 'verbs' means our verbal language
Non-Verbal behaviors:
Once you change the state, you are able to change the behavior.
Two components of a state:
One is Internal Representation and another one is physiology.
If you bring about any change in any one, the other automatically changes.

Find more about NLP 'State' in this video

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